
A simplified jQuery date and time picker

This project is maintained by sunalive

jSunPicker Demo

This page shows usage examples, code samples and demo of the project. This page will be updated with latest changes in the project code.

Basic date picker

Pop-up date picker with default options

 <input class="datepicker" name="mydate"  placeholder="Click to open picker" />

Inline date picker

Place an inline date picker and tie it to a field. You can make this field invisible if you just want your users to just interact with the visual calendar.

<input class="datepicker" data-inline='#inlinepicker' id="inlinedate" name="inlinedate" placeholder="Select date from picker" />
<div id='inlinepicker'>Pops Picker</div>
Pops Picker

Local date picker

Day and Month names in French below. Note that the title names have to be enclosed in double-quotes. Accented characters are just fine. Don't forget to set the appropriate format for displayDate.

<input class="datepicker" id="localdate"  name="localdate" placeholder="Click to open picker"
	data-month-short="4" />

Trigger with icon

Initialize the date picker by clicking the icon instead of the field.

<input class="datepicker" name="icondate" data-show-icon="images/calendar.ico" placeholder="Click the icon" />

Different start day

Start the week on a different day than Sunday.

<input class="datepicker" id="startday" name="startday" data-start-day="3" placeholder="I start on Tuesday" />

Different display and output (submit) formats

Set a user-friendly format for displaying the date and a different format for the date submitted (output).

<input class="datepicker" id="dispdate"  name="dispdate" data-display-format="T D, Y" data-output-format="Y-M-D" placeholder="I show and submit differently" />

Date submitted:  

Select the picker type

Set the picker type to let your users choose date-time, date, month or year. Don't forget to set the appropriate formats.

<input class="datepicker" id="pickertype"  name="pickertype"  data-picker-type="month" data-display-format="M" placeholder="I select Month" />

Disable days

Disable some days of the week from being selected.

<input class="datepicker" id="disabledays"  name="disabledays"  data-disabled-days="1,7" placeholder="Disabled weekends" />

Disable specific dates or ranges

Disable specific dates or date ranges from being selected. Dates Apr 5, 2016, dates between Apr 10, 2016 and Apr 15, 2016, dates between Apr 25, 2016 and Apr 27, 2016 are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="disabledates"  name="disabledates"  data-disabled-dates="2016/04/05,2016/04/10-2016/04/15,2016/04/25-2016/04/27" placeholder="Disabled dates" />

Set minimum selectable date

Restrict date selection before a particular date. Dates before Apr 10, 2016 are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="mindate"  name="mindate" data-display-format="D-t-Y" data-min-date="2016/04/10" placeholder="Disabled before Apr 10, 2016" />

Set maximum selectable date

Restrict date selection after a particular date. Dates after Apr 25, 2016 are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="maxdate"  name="maxdate" data-display-format="D-t-Y" data-max-date="2016/04/25" placeholder="Disabled after Apr 25, 2016" />

Set selectable date range

Combine minimum and maximum restrictions to set a selectable date range. Dates before Apr 10, 2016 and after Apr 25, 2016 are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="rangedate"  name="rangedate" data-display-format="D-t-Y" data-min-date="2016/04/10" data-max-date="2016/04/25" placeholder="Selectable date range" />

Set minimum selectable time

Restrict date selection before a particular time. Times before 05:00 AM are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="mintime"  name="mintime" data-picker-type="time" data-min-time="05:00 AM" placeholder="Disabled before 05:00 AM" />

Set maximum selectable time

Restrict date selection after a particular time. Times after 05:00 PM are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="maxtime"  name="maxtime"  data-picker-type="time" data-max-time="05:00 PM" placeholder="Disabled after 05:00 PM" />

Set selectable time range

Combine minimum and maximum restrictions to set a selectable time range. Times before 05:00 AM and after 05:00 PM are disabled here.

<input class="datepicker" id="rangetime"  name="rangetime"  data-picker-type="time" data-min-time="05:00 AM" data-max-time="05:00 PM" placeholder="Selectable date range" />

Set initial date

Set an initial date for the date picker to select while it loads.

<input class="datepicker" id="initdate"  name="initdate"  data-initial-date="2016/04/14" data-display-format="D-t-Y" />